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Products: start aligning your business goals with your visitors needs today with one of our User Centered Business Strategy™ products

In addition to my core Services, I offer the products listed below which can help you tie your sites business goals to your visitors needs so you can start converting more surfers into users by helping them find what they came to your site for in the first place - a real Win-Win situation!

Business Strategy

Web Metrics Program

In marketing terms, you can't sell what you can't measure. Our package provides actionable information on conversion rates and the results of your online marketing campaigns in real time taking your marketing hours leaps and bounds beyond regular "hit tracking" or aggregate stats packages.

sign up for a 15 day free trial
sign up for a 15 day free trial


A/B (split) Testing

The ability to post 2 versions of the same page and measure which one gets the visitor to the desired goal the fastest, with the least number of clicks.

Every other visitors is presented with an alternating version of the home page and progress is tracked so quantitative data can be drawn as to which design or architecture is more persuasive.

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Content Management

Edit Site Content In Place

Edit price lists, schedules, or other site content any time you want from any computer connected to the Web! If you can surf your site, you can edit it!

If you're not ready to invest in a full blown Content Management System, but need the ability to manage the content of your site, we can set you up with a site where the overall design and navigation are controlled by an administrator, but you can edit the content from any Web browser with an Internet connection.

try the demo

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Full Blown CMS

Improve the responsiveness and productivity of your site by taking full control of the look and feel and content. Schedule releases of articles, polls and other items of interest. All aspect's of a site can be controlled by different team members with varying levels of access.

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E-mail Web Update System

Most content editors are not familiar with the technicalities required to update a website. Yet anyone knows how to send an e-mail. Updating a FlexWindow requires nothing more than sending a message. No HTML knowledge is required. Can it be any simpler than that?

try the demo

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Link Scan

I use the same technology that search engines use to crawl through your site and check the hyperlinks for validity. This is a great way to get rid of "link-rot". My Unix based software "spider" will tirelessly analyze large and small sites alike. Available as a one time report or a monthly service.

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Usability Testing & Consulting

Usability Fitness Plan

You wouldn't try to keep yourself in top condition by exercising once or twice a year, so what sense does it make to do occasional usability testing? With our plan of frequent, small, targeted tests, we provide actionable reports when you need them. We guarantee greater results with less annual expenditure.

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Remote Usability Assessment

A great way to find the real show stopping barriers to usability before you go into testing with real users. Five members of our team of usability experts will look over your site and report back on a 20 point list of items crucial to your sites ease of use.

Sample deliverable available by request.

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Joe and Donna designed a fantastic web site!

...people I talk to comment, 'This is a really great site, I like it.' They like the ease of finding properties, the ease of moving around on the site. I am totally pleased with Joe's work and can highly recommend him. Donna is a fantastic designer too.!

Pat Wall
AtHome Lodging

“Q u o t a b l e”

1. Internet users typically scan rather than read Web pages.
2. People read over 30% slower from a screen as opposed to paper.

Joe 10 Group • 2430 5th Street • Studio L • Berkeley, CA 94710
510.649.1744 • info @
Last modified: 10/07/2007 02:44:07

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