Free StuffThis site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.of interest... |
Site Assessment: couldn't you use some free advice on the usability of your web site?Fill out this form to receive your Free Site Goals Workbook and to subscribe to the "Better Sites" eZine. Privacy info: Get your Companies site assessed for free; just sign up to win*! Every month (or so) I draw a name from my list of subscribers and offer the subscriber a free Site Assessment, a $750 value. The winner can even use it on another site if they so choose. When you sign up you will begin receiving "Better Sites", my e-zine (e-mail newsletter) focused on helping you make your site accomplish your business goals by being a place where your visitors can find what they came there for more easily. How can you go wrong? A free newsletter, a free Site Goals Workbook and a chance to win a free Site Assessment. Please note that your link to the Site Goals Workbook will come to you via e-mail.If you enter an invalid e-mail, you will not receive the workbook. *Web site must be a commercial site to be eligible for the Free Assessment |
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Joe 10 Group 2430 5th Street Studio L Berkeley, CA
510.649.1744 info @