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Feature Implementation: helping site owners and managers implement new features and technologies

The Problem: If you are looking for new ways to increase visitor conversion and customer retention or enhance worker productivity, maybe you are giving thought to one or more of the following features for you site:

  • Starting an e-mail newsletter
  • Including a search engine so visitors can search for content
  • Adding a collaborative space where people can share and exchange information
  • Including stock tickers and information
  • Providing news articles of interest to your audience
  • Adding personalized content
  • Installing a shopping cart so you can sell things

The Solution: The chances are I've looked down that road before and can save you countless hours of researching on the Web to find the tool which fits your goals and your budget. If I don't know the right answer, the chances are that I can do the research and provide a suggestion for your particular set of circumstances.

If I haven't implemented the exact feature you're looking for, I know where to look! After drawing a picture of your business goals, we'll create a framework for how these new features will effect the marketing efforts you currently have in place and

“Q u o t a b l e”

Online user experience is the total interaction that a visitor has with a site, including satisfaction with ease-of-use, content, and function.
source: Forrester Research, June 2001

Joe 10 Group • 2430 5th Street • Studio L • Berkeley, CA 94710
510.649.1744 • info @
Last modified: 10/07/2007 02:47:14

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