Twiki Intranet: File Uploading

Any page in the Twiki is capable of having uploaded files associated with it. These files files are stored and can be displayed on this page or others within the Twiki. For this example we'll use my profile page which starts off with one file attached to it, the WRH logo.

Click the "Attach" link on any page brings up a page which lists the current attachments on that page and a Form for uploading new attachments. Clicking the"Browse" button brings up a standard, system "File Open" dialog we've all used to find a file to upload.

That's it! Clicking the "Upload File" button adds the file as an attachment to the page. Images files can be included in the page and other file type can have a link automatically inserted by checking the "Create a link to the attached file at the end of the topic" check box.

Let's look at subsequent uploaded versions.

It's not the most intuitive procedure ever devised, but every attachment has a link next to it labeled "action". THis brings up a page where you can upload the new version or change properties of the attachment, such as the comments you may have added previously.

You must upload a file with the same name for the page to show just the newest revision. If you upload differently named files, you will see both files.

Notice the modification date in the table for "what_joe_does.ins" is newer than the one before; 01:39 as apposed to 01:33.

If you click the "action" link again, you'll notice that both versions are still being tracked, though only the newest is exposed on in the normal view of the page. This allows for rolling back to a previous version with ease.

Any type of file can be stored. Notice here that Adobe Acrobat and MS Word files are stored and given recognizable icons for easy visual searching.


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