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Twiki Intranet: Overview

Twikis are open source collaborative knowledge management solutions which offer ease of set up, editing from any browser, separating a site into distinct sections for departments, groups or products, access control from the site level all the way down to the page level, content under revision control, file management and extensibility through a plug-in architecture.

The main feature which makes a Twiki page different from a regular HTML page is the presence of an "Edit this page" link or button on every page. this makes it it possible for site visitors of the page to change the content (access control restrictions permitting) thus blurring the line between publisher and reader.

In an Intranet environment this makes for a very vibrant information sharing situation where workers can add content as they think of it without having to go through the IT or Web Development departments to post their ideas. Pages get sculpted and re factored as they grow and end up reflecting the syntheses of the contributed ideas.

So read more about the Main Features inherent to Twikis, See how the Content Editing model works or see how File Uploading makes keeping track of file version easier.

Joe 10 Group • 2430 5th Street • Studio L • Berkeley, CA 94710
510.649.1744 • info @

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