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Clients: what kind of business' do I work with?

I work with a broad range of clients from independent professionals to mid-sized companies all the way to Fortune 500 corporations and government agencies.

What draws these different groups to me is their need for a solution for a Web site which is not meeting their business goals. Visitors are getting lost or confused, sales are not as high as expected, or the site is difficult to maintain.

What draws these different groups to me is their need for a solution for a Web site which is not meeting their business goals.

These companies tend to have large amounts of information or data (for instance, investment banks, educational institutions, healthcare agencies and bio-tech firms) they need to organize in a structured, easily navigable way which is visually appealing and crystal clear to their sites visitors.

Their information may also be change or need updating frequently (for example, tour operators, manufacturers and distributors, real estate and yacht brokerages, on-line reservation systems and scheduling facilities) making it desirous or imperative for someone from within the group to be able to add to or change the information.

What makes them successful?

There are a few threads they all have in common which make my services and products work for them. These clients are:

  • Ready to make a change to improve the quality and usability of their web site or software project
  • Able to answer tough questions about their business and listen to honest feedback
  • Willing to purchase some software and outside services which may be needed to gather and analyze data to fully assess the problems effecting their site.
  • Committed to following up on recommendations I deliver after engaging in quantitative & qualitative inspections.

Have a look at the alphabetical list of clients, or get more familiar with my process to see how I repeatedly make these results happen for my clients, or get in contact with me an let's talk about making your Web site a more successful part of your business!

“Q u o t a b l e”

A study found that 62% of Web shoppers have given up looking for the item they wanted to buy online.
source: Zona Research

Joe 10 Group • 2430 5th Street • Studio L • Berkeley, CA 94710
510.649.1744 • info @
Last modified: 10/07/2007 02:12:26

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